Bulletin 3-9-25

Youth Minute
Youth Small Groups- Sundays 5:30-7 P.M.
SCCA Church Camp for ALL ages- sccacamp.com
Dauphin Island Youth Mission Trip June 21-27th
Children's Church- Second Service for K-5th Grade
HCC Parents Meetings 3rd and 4th Sunday of Month 10:05

Church App:
 Download our app by searching "Harrisburg Christian Church"
in your app store. Youth, Parents, and Guardians- Join our group chats thru our app.
 HCC Youth, HCC Children, HCC Parents

Women in the Bible and their powerful stories. 1 p.m. Mondays starting March 10.

Volunteer Opportunities:
The Mission's committee is seeking ambassadors
Would you be interested in serving on the HCC board?
Do you have a $5,000 idea?

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